Bond Scope

Graford ISD board members, educators, and the community has decided that the following projects will accommodate the district’s growth.

What’s included in the Graford ISD Bond?

Proposition A: $59,950,000

  • A new Secondary School campus with a Multipurpose Gymnasium

    • The bond seeks to establish a new Secondary Campus serving grades 6-12, providing space for future expansion of Career and Technology Education (CTE) programs and accommodating potential fine arts offerings like theater, choir, and band. The gymnasium will be located within the new Secondary Campus; the multi-purpose gymnasium will not only host athletic events but also serve as a venue for community gatherings, cultural activities, and academic events. The New Secondary campus will also include a cafetorium with a full-size performance stage to host community events, award ceremonies, theater, choir, and future band performances.

  • Renovation of AG Building

    • Renovations to the current Robert L. Ray Agriculture (AG) Building will transform it into the new GISD Animal Barn and Show arena, supporting agricultural education and hands-on learning experiences.

  • New Activity Buses

    • The acquisition of new activity buses will improve transportation for extracurricular activities and provide additional access to educational opportunities for all students.

Facility Images

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